Good Plant Gift

“Hi, I want to give a friend a growing gift but don’t know what would be a good choice. What do you recommend?” — Vivian

Good Plant Gift

Hi Vivian, that’s easy, Amaryllis bulbs are fun, interesting and affordable gifts. I’ve seen them offered at grocery stores and home and garden centers this time of year.

If you buy them in boxes, open the box to make sure the bulb has a bud tip showing and getting ready to grow.

If you buy them as loose bulbs, add a container one inch larger than the bulb. Year ago when I gave Amaryllis bulbs as gifts I also added a ruler so people could see how much the bulb grows from day to day. They can literally grow a couple of inches a day.

Also add Amaryllis bulb growing and care instructions.

Amaryllis make wonderful winter gifts, too so pick them up when marked down at the end of the season. There are few things that have large gorgeous blooms inside during cold winters!

Maybe get one for yourself, too?


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