Mixing Daffodils with Other Flowers


“Charlotte I heard you’re not supposed to mix daffodils with other flowers so how do I mix them in a bouquet?” - Paula

Mixing Daffodils with Other Flowers

Hi Paula,

When I want to mix daffodils with other flowers, I leave the daffodils in a flower vase by themselves for a good day or so. That way the toxins daffodils have will leach out so they don’t impact the other flowers.

I also make flower bouquets without mixing the flowers. I keep each flower type in their own flower vase and group them together so I can still enjoy them mixed but without impacting each other. This is also an easier way to refresh the bouquets by removing those flowers that may die off sooner than other flowers. Iris, for example, may not bloom as long as some other cut flowers.
