January Gift Flower: Carnations

Pretty bouquet of pink carnations brightening up my kitchen for my January birthday.

Pretty bouquet of pink carnations brightening up my kitchen for my January birthday.

January Gift Flower: Carnations

Carnations or Dianthus, their Latin botanical name, are the January gift flower of the month, a nice idea for personalized gift-giving. I should know, I have a January birthday.

Carnations, along with a number of favorite garden flowers, are ancient flowers, possibly named from the Greek word for flower garlands, since this long-lived flower was a popular choice for those floral decorations.

According to the Victorian-era language of flowers, carnations in general represent fascination and divine love. Each different carnation flower color also has it's own special meaning:

Pink carnation: I will never forget you

Purple carnation: Capriciousness

Red carnation: My Heart Aches for You; admiration

Solid carnation: Yes

Striped carnation: Sorry I can't be with you or Wish I could be with you.

Yellow carnation: Rejection, you have disappointed me.

White carnation: Woman's good luck gift.

Some carnations are nicely-fragrant, especially ones out of home gardens. One of the advantages of carnations is that they ar