Bouquet Roses

Bouquet Roses

Undoubtedly one of the easiest ways to freshen a room is to add flowers. Whether blooming on a plant or in a fresh bouquet, flowers quickly brighten up a space - and a mood.

This time of year, early fall, is a good time to shop plant sales to find good bouquet flowers.

One of my favorites are “Drift” roses, a small shrub rose that grows small flowers low to the ground, several flowers on one stem.

I found some cut a few years ago and was delighted to find how long they lasted in a vase as a cut flower. Since my flower “arrangements” tend to be simple - a spray of cut roses in a vase can be enough - knowing that these have a long vase life is important.

This variety comes in several colors from white to coral, pink and red. Since they are shrub roses, they tend to be hardier than tea roses, which can be difficult to grow in my soil conditions.

Climbing Roses

You can also use hardy climbing roses for bouquets. Usually a little thornier to handle, these hardy roses will also last a long time in a vase.

So start looking at those late season plant sales and pick up some roses you would like to include in next year’s bouquets.
