Geranium Vinca Bouquet

Tiny flower bouquets can easily brighten a room corner. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Tiny flower bouquets can easily brighten a room corner. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Geranium Vinca Bouquet

I can’t remember the last time I saw a home decor article talking about small flower bouquets. They are not only more easily possible from our small gardens but can also provide a nice pop of color in a room corner.

As more people work at home, these small flower vignettes are also the right size for a home desk and den corner.

One of my favorite flowers for bouquets are geraniums. Usually grown in pots as an annual, I keep geraniums inside through the winter. Geraniums are hardy and will continue to bloom inside when most other plants have gone dormant.

This peach-colored geranium is a personal favorite, I’ve had the mother plant for several years.

Geraniums also last a long time as a cut flower, a good 1-2 weeks.

To keep the potted plants happy, provide a soluble fertilizer every week or so.

Geraniums are hardy cut flowers and prolific bloomers. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Geraniums are hardy cut flowers and prolific bloomers. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The other annual that easily weathers over inside are vincas. This is a sweet daisy-like flower that easily adds a good contrast to other bouquet flowers.

Both of these flowers are short stemmed so they are perfect for small flower vases.

Vincas are usually grown as annuals but can winter over inside. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Vincas are usually grown as annuals but can winter over inside. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

In the top photo, I also added a few gooseneck loosestrife flowers but they don’t last as long as the geraniums and vinca.

You can find small flower vases at local thrift stores and your kitchen cabinets. Small juice jars and jelly jars make great small bouquet vases.

Look around at nature to get your color combination possibilities, that’s how we select colors when making quilts like our Standing Cats Lap Quilt.

If you want to have these blooming through winter, plant them together in a pot. Geraniums and vincas have similar growing conditions and easily winter over together.


A Small Garden Flower Bouquet

Uh-oh, is there a rabbit after this beautiful little bouquet of red hybrid tea roses? (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Uh-oh, is there a rabbit after this beautiful little bouquet of red hybrid tea roses? (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

A Garden Flower Bouquet

Of all of the things we can do to decorate our homes, adding a small bouquet of fresh flowers out of our gardens is the simplest, and most enjoyable, thing we can do. Not only does it bring some beauty into the room but you can add whimsy by pairing the flowers with a favorite decorating item.

In my case, the white porcelain rabbit has been a favorite coffee table partner for many years. I confess I make bouquets in relationship to the porcelain piece, such as this little bouquet of red hybrid tea roses I snipped from one of my rose beds.

I have real rabbits in my garden as well so having the little porcelain one inside reminds me of the ones living happily outside. Many are native wild rabbits, released into my garden when I was a rehabilitator for our local conservation office.

To easily add a small garden bouquet to your room decor, cut the flowers early morning and keep them in a vase of water not treated with salt for water softeners. That salt quickly cuts down the time the cut flowers will remain fresh in the vase.

Once you have the vase you want to use, re-cut the stems to the appropriate length. Add a pinch of aspirin to help keep the flowers fresh, then position them where you can enjoy them. Don't place them on top of electrical appliances such as TVs or anything else that produces heat. The heat will cut down the lifespan of the flowers.

Hardly. There is a rabbit but its porcelain and still has the good taste to admire the flowers. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Hardly. There is a rabbit but its porcelain and still has the good taste to admire the flowers. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

These small red hybrid tea roses are sitting on my den coffee table so I can enjoy them when I am working.

I could have cut them with longer stems but I chose to keep them small. The smaller bouquets are easier to incorporate into a room close to where everyone can enjoy them.
